Create a Six-Figure Coaching and Speaking Business From Scratch

This 60-day Playbook to Coaching and Speaking (PCS) Certification Course gets you clear on your topic, audience, structuring your coaching program, pricing, social media templates, filling your calendar, get high paying clients, land lucrative speaking engagements, marketing and branding. 

Yes, Add Me To The Waitlist

Did you miss the last open enrollment?

Here's your second chance...


Get on the waitlist and be the FIRST to know when Coach T opens the next virtual PCS Certification Course to build a profitable coaching and speaking business. Inside the 6 modules, you'll be learning:

MODULE 1 - Your PCS Overview and 6-Figure Roadmap

MODULE 2 - How to be a  World class Coach

MODULE 3 - Being a Phenomenal Speaker 

MODULE 4 - Gaining Exposure to the World

MODULE 5 - Converting Followers Into Paying Clients

MODULE 6 - Breaking Free From Your 9-5

This course is for ALL niche topics and audiences to start instantly attracting high paying clients. It's not open yet so meanwhile, Coach T will email you free training. You're now V.I.P and will be the first one we contact once enrollment re-opens 👇🏽

Curious What's Possible For You ?

Feel inspired by our proven member stories...

"Tasha is FLOORED, She Got Her First Coaching Client In 15-Minutes Easy!"


"Terrell Helped Me Get 8X The Amount Of Clients!"


"I Made $30,193 In Just 3-Months..."


"I'm Finally Confident To Go On Video And Speak Based on Coach T's Methods!"


Want More Proof?

"In the last half decade, I've been widely recognized as one of the most well respected and fastest growing millennial business coaches today, consulting over 349 coaches and speakers in more than 29 countries in just the last year. After helping so many new coaches and speakers, the biggest mistake most new folks are making is not having a coach themselves giving them a proven strategy and a community giving them honest feedback causing you over think, lose confidence and become confused."

Terrell Jones
International Business Coach

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